Select continuing education activities for the specialty pharmacist from Pharmacy Times are available online at
Pharmacy Times Office of Continuing Professional Education is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of free continuing pharmacy education. Pharmacy Times offers pharmacists multiple ways to access their authoritative and informative continuing education (CE) programs. At, pharmacists can read CE lessons, take tests, and even print their certificates upon completion. For pharmacists on the go, Pharmacy Times is the only ACPE-accredited provider to offer a free CE mobile app, available in the iTunes store at The recently launched Pharmacy Times iPad edition also allows pharmacists to complete CE programs wherever and whenever they want. The iPad app is a free download available at
Benefits of Disease-Modifying Therapies in Multiple Sclerosis: Disease Progression, Quality of Life, and Economic Impact David W. Brandes, MS, MD, FAAN
This online activity summarizes the very solid evidence accumulating over the past few decades demonstrating the benefits of disease-modifying therapy (DMT) for multiple sclerosis. DMTs are examined in terms of improved symptoms and quality of life, as well as in the areas of incurred costs and cost savings measured in multiple domains.
Credits: 1.0
Strategies for Improving Compliance in Patients on HIV Medications
Tara L. Muzyk, PharmD, Tracy Pham, PharmD, Thanh Nguyen, PharmD, and Michael Bartholow, PharmD
Managing the therapeutic impact of medical advances in HIV treatment presents an ongoing challenge for clinicians. This lesson outlines the current advancements in highly active antiretroviral therapy; discusses common adverse reactions and side effects, as well as other potential obstacles to adherence; and offers guidance on teaching patients techniques they can use to improve their compliance with therapy.
Credits: 2.0
Venous Thromboembolism and Cancer: An Opportunity for Pharmacists to Optimize Care
Rowena N. Schwartz, PharmD, BCOP
This CE lesson will provide pharmacists with an overview of venous thromboembolism (VTE), including how to identify risk factors for VTE in patients with cancer and how to develop a plan for the implementation and management of anticoagulation therapies.
Credits: 2.0
National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guideline Updates from the 15th Annual Congress
Anthony Elias, MD
This CE program addresses some of the major National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) practice guideline revisions presented at the 15th Annual Congress. Upon completion of this activity, pharmacists will be able to identify select NCCN guideline revisions that may impact the course of treatment in a given case and discuss the use of patient characteristics to determine therapeutic management.
Credits: 1.0
No Bones About It: The Pharmacist’s Role in Managing Cancer Therapy-Induced Bone Loss
Rickey C. Miller, PharmD, BCPS, BCOP, and Jenna Brinkman, PharmD
Cancer patients experience osteoporosis and related bone loss for a variety of reasons. This lesson explore the physiology and biochemical mechanisms associated with general bone health, normal bone loss, and bone loss related to secondary causes, especially cancer therapyinduced bone loss.
Credits: 2.0