Tech Product News

Pharmacy TimesJanuary 2010 Aging Population
Volume 76
Issue 1

Mirixa Corporation (New Orleans, LA) has introduced MirixaEdge, a tool that enables pharmacists to engineer individualized patient care programs by providing pharmacists with predefined templates for conditions including diabetes, asthma, and cardiovascular disease. A template for medication therapy management is also included, and additional templates are slated for the future. The resource capitalizes on MirixaPro, a Web-based clinical platform that identifies patient health care issues, highlights possible drug interactions, and encourages standardized care by pharmacists. MirixaEdge also offers enhanced documentation capability, allowing for the capture of patient care outcomes in support of pharmacy programs. Offering the potential for improved outcomes, reduced health care costs, and increased revenue for pharmacies, MirixaEdge is offered through a monthly-fee subscription. Pharmacies can subscribe on a per program basis, add programs as needed, or opt for the comprehensive program, which includes all available chronic disease templates. To find out more, visit

LeadsOnlabs Keeps Tabs on Potential Meth-Makers

LeadsOnlabs (Dallas, TX) is an online database that tracks the sale of ingredients used in making methamphetamine (meth). Used by pharmacies throughout the country to thwart meth use, the system streamlines the logging and reporting of products sold containing pseudoephedrine to help pharmacies easily meet regulatory requirements. LeadsOnlabs is user-friendly and provides a great help to law enforcement officials in battling meth in communities across the United States. Pharmacies throughout the state of Arkansas are required to use the system, resulting in a significant decrease in meth abuse there. LeadsOnlabs is an offshoot of LeadsOnline, the country’s largest investigative system used by more than 3000 law enforcement agencies to recover stolen property and solve crimes through its real-time, cross-jurisdictional capabilities. For more information or to receive a free 30-day trial of LeadsOnlabs, visit

Mobile Medication Management System Maximizes Efficiency for Hospitals

Omnicell, Inc (Mountain View, CA) recently announced the launch of the Omnicell Mobile Medication System, a fully integrated solution aimed at addressing the pitfalls of disparate documentation and reporting systems, as well as ensuring total accountability of all drugs and secure transport of medications from the cabinet to the point of care. The system integrates mobile hardware with existing Omnicell software, including Anywhere RN and SafetyMed, allowing for greater efficiency in administrative processes associated with medication administration, along with decreased errors. The Omnicell Mobile Medication System also offers guiding lights technology, advanced 2-dimensional bar code capabilities for patient identification and medication administration, and reporting capabilities that allow for the capture of documentation while performing other tasks. The newly released solution helps to free up clinicians to focus more time on caring for patients. For more information, visit

GlowCaps Go High-Tech to Keep Patients, Pharmacists, Others in the Know

Vitality, Inc (Cambridge, MA) has taken its patient alert device to a new level. New, Internetconnected GlowCaps now not only use light and sound to promote medication adherence by alerting patients when to take their medications, but also employ a wireless chip that records when a medication bottle is opened, and then relays that information to create adherence reports. E-mailed weekly to patients, their caregivers, pharmacists, and doctors, these reports help to ensure that all concerned parties stay abreast of patient adherence. If a medication bottle equipped with a GlowCap is not opened within a few hours of a dosage time, the patient receives a reminder phone call. As a medication runs low, GlowCaps’ technology connects patients with their pharmacies to coordinate refills. Aside from the new features, GlowCaps still provide their dual-faceted reminders by flashing and sounding a ringtone at medication times. They also come equipped with a “health hub” nightlight that plugs into an outlet to emit an orange glow as an additional reminder. For more information, visit â– 

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