American Pharmacists Association: Careers
The American Pharmacists Association (APhA) was the first established national professional society of pharmacists and remains the largest association of pharmacists in the United States.
Through its Careers section, APhA offers resources to help students learn more about opportunities available in the pharmacy profession.
The APhA Career Pathway Evaluation Program for Pharmacy Professionals offers a live workshop to help guide students in their decision making and develop “a clearer understanding of how to choose a career path in pharmacy that is appropriate for you.” The site also features listings of jobs in all facets of pharmacy, from academics to managed care; information on the community pharmacy residence program; and career development tools, including tips for choosing the right employer, a listing of typical job interview questions, and practical advice on evaluating job offers, negotiating with employers, and networking with peers.
NCPA Student Resources
Founded in 1898, the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) represents the pharmacist owners, managers, and employees of independent community pharmacies across the United States and is “dedicated to the continuing growth and prosperity of independent community pharmacy.” NCPA’s Web site provides information on NCPA Student Chapter activities and community service projects, promoting independent pharmacy, advocating legislative action, creating new members, fund-raising, pharmacy ownership, and more.
Also featured on the site are important dates for students, including NCPA conferences and deadlines for summer internship and residency applications, scholarships, student loans, and award nominations; Pharmacist e-Link, providing news, continuing education courses, and business management tools; links to schools of pharmacy; information on the NCPA MTM Challenge and the NCPA Legislative Activity Challenge; and a link to the Independent Pharmacy Career Guide, a publication providing insights into independent practice.
NACDS: Careers in Pharmacy
The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) represents traditional drugstores, supermarkets, and mass merchants with pharmacies, from regional chains with 4 stores to national companies. The organization’s goal is to “advance the interests and objectives of the chain community pharmacy industry, by fostering its growth and promoting its role as a provider of healthcare services and consumer products.”
On the “Careers in Pharmacy” page, students can find the help they need to succeed in “one of the hottest fields in the health industry.” Here, students can access listings and resources for chain pharmacy internships and residencies; learn about the NACDS Foundation Student Scholarship and other scholarship opportunities; access a listing of college of pharmacy career and interview days for the 2011-2012 school year plus contact information; and search for jobs by state or by chain in the Rx Career Center.
ASHP Pharmacy Student Forum
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) is a national professional association that represents pharmacists who practice in hospitals, health maintenance organizations, long-term care facilities, home care, and other components of health care systems. One of the organization’s offerings, the ASHP Pharmacy Student Forum, is designed to “help prepare ASHP student members for successful careers in hospital and health-system practice, equipped with the skills to lead our profession into the future.”
At this site, students can obtain information on starting, changing, or modifying a residency program; learn about the benefits of doing a residency; and access resources such as application forms for accreditation, residency accreditation regulations and standards, and an online residency directory. Students can also view a Webinar series to learn how to navigate the residency process, and watch a video about residency training, including opportunities, benefits, settings, finding the right program, and when to start thinking about a residency.
Information on advocacy opportunities can be accessed at the site as well, along with links to networking opportunities, a career center, and a student calendar with upcoming meetings, events, programs, and activities.