

Pharmacy Times
November 2023
Volume 89
Issue 11

Pharmacist Spotlight: Joanna Lewis, PharmD, MBA


Tell us a bit about your career and what you do now.

My career has taken a few twists and turns, but that is the great thing about pharmacy—we have so many options. I am grateful for every position as [they] led me to where I am now.

PHTM Retail- November 2023 Issue

I started briefly in the retail space before transitioning to health system pharmacy, where I worked clinically and then in administration. After a move and some time off, I found a great fit that really combined my love of finance, compliance, and quality. I work as a 340B coordinator and love it. I also have a social media presence and an online blog called The Pharmacist’s Guide.

What originally drew you to pharmacy, and how has your inspiration or motivation changed throughout your career?

I was originally drawn to pharmacy because I enjoyed the material, I was excited about the opportunities available, and I really wanted a front-facing communication channel to help people. It just seemed really interesting and fulfilling to me. After almost 15 years in the profession, I can say that I am happy with my choice.

What are you most proud of?

I am really proud of my journey. There were times when I had no idea what I wanted to do and where I felt very stuck in my career. I had to do some internal work and get clear on my goals. I also had to identify a lot of internal patterns and barriers that were holding me back. I’m proud that I found a position that works for me and my stage of life right now. I’ve been through burnout, and I’ve worked in jobs because I thought they were what I was supposed to be doing or what I should be interested in, but none of those led to the fulfillment I have now.

I’m also proud that I took a leap and started developing my voice. It was very scary for me to put myself out there when I started using social media, but now I love it and am really grateful for the connections I’ve made and the people I’ve met.

How do you advocate for patients or the pharmacy profession?

I’ve realized how many things we as health professionals take for granted. A lot of information that we think is common knowledge can be a real source of anxiety or frustration to others. I’ve seen it in my friends and family. Because of that, I try to educate, inform, and advocate for the profession of pharmacy and the work we do by posting on social media, blogging, and also volunteering and mentoring others.

How can people reach you if they’d like to learn more about what you do?

I would love to hear from you. I am on social media at @pharmacistsguide and you can reach me through email at

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