

Pharmacy Times
July 2014 Digestive Health
Volume 80
Issue 7

Pet Peeves

Marble-Mouthed MDs.

Doctors and their representatives who leave prescriptions in voicemail messages and expect pharmacists to understand their speed talking or mumbling, which is often harder to understand because they are talking on a speakerphone. They seem to think everyone knows who they are because they do not bother to spell their names. If doctors do not have e-scripting, they should talk to a live pharmacist, who can ask for clarification on the spot.

Missing an At-Home Delivery.

When patients ask for their meds to be delivered and then call back later, yelling that they missed the delivery because they left their home (without notifying us) and need the driver to come back.

Impatient Coupon Users.

When patients bring in manufacturer coupons at the time of pickup rather than drop-off and are then upset when they have to wait a few minutes for reprocessing.

Medicare Know-it-Alls.

When newly enrolled Medicare patients think they know more about the billing process than we do.

What’s bothering you? Bossy patients, abandoned prescriptions, drive-throughs? Pharmacy Times wants to know. Send your pet peeves to We’ll add them to our ongoing published list. Share your Pet Peeves with Pharmacy Times today!

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