Nutrition: Test Your Skills

Pharmacy CareersPharmacy Careers November 2014

You know that fruits and vegetables are good for you, but do you know which ones are the best?

Can you guess which fruits and vegetables had the top 5 scores in nutrition density?

#5: A 1-cup serving of this leaf provides vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium. In addition, this powerful veggie is a good source of iron, vitamin K, folic acid, and fiber. Hint: This powerhouse is the vegetable of choice for a notable sailor.

#4: A 1-cup serving of this leaf provides vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium. In addition, this powerful veggie is a good source of iron, vitamin K, folic acid, and fiber. Hint: These greens are attached to a well-known, colorful vegetable.

#3: This leafy green provides vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, and other vitamins and minerals. Hint: This leafy green is available in a rainbow of colors.

#2: This vegetable is packed full of vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium. Hint: This Asian lettuce has many varieties and is a stir-fry favorite.

#1: The most nutrient-rich food contains more than 15 essential vitamins and minerals and provides more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk, and more vitamin C than oranges. Hint: This often-overlooked vegetable is a close cousin to mustard greens, cabbage, and other greens.

Answer to #5 is spinach. Although kale has a similar nutritional profile and made the list of powerhouse foods, spinach beat the trendy leaf for the number 5 spot. Nutrient Density Score: 86.43

Answer to #4 is beet greens. Although beets are more popular, beet greens pack a mighty nutritional punch. Try using them raw in salads, sautéed in a stirfry, or add them to soups. Nutrient Density Score: 87.08

Answer to #3 is chard. Chard is used in Mediterranean cooking and is often enjoyed sautéed. Nutrient Density Score: 89.27

Answer to #2 is Chinese cabbage. Many greens, including bok choy, fall under this category and are most often used sautéed, steamed, or raw in salads. Nutrient Density Score: 91.99

Answer to #1 is watercress. Many greens, including bok choy, fall under this category and are most often used sautéed, steamed, or raw in salads. Nutrient Density Score: 100.

Honorable Mentions:

These powerhouse foods ranked in the top 10 highest nutrient density scores: chicory: 73.36, leaf lettuce: 70.73, parsley: 65.59, romaine lettuce: 63.48, collard greens: 62.49.

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