Job Search Navigation Skills

Pharmacy Careers
Volume 0

Today’s Challenging Job Market

The pharmacy job market, compared with just a year ago, has turned from a candidatedriven market into an employeedriven market, according to industry experts (see “Pharmacy Job Trends: Adapting to Today’s Market,” Pharmacy Times June, 2010). It is more important than ever before for students seeking a position in the current environment to stand out from the crowd.

To land the job opportunity they desire, students have to pay attention to their total presentation—both written and oral—and take stock of their online presence as well. Potential employers are checking up on the social media presence of potential employees, and in some cases, the results are not particularly flattering to the job candidates.

Students should practice a common sense approach to their job search, keep organized, pay close attention to details, and take advantage of any and all networking opportunities. Here are some key skill sets that will help the student navigate the turbulent job market today.

Interview Dos and Don’ts

  • Do arrive early for your interview
  • Don’t dress inappropriately or in business casual
  • Do confirm the interview time, location, and person
  • Don’t forget to bring extra copies of your resume
  • Do research the position and the company
  • Don’t do all the talking
  • Do listen closely regarding the job expectations
  • Don’t forget to send a follow-up communication after the interview

Finding Balance During a Job Search

  • Get regular exercise
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Get enough sleep
  • Set realistic goals for each day
  • Set aside time to relax and replenish

Landing a Job

  • Start your job search early
  • Utilize the career counseling services available at your pharmacy school
  • Join professional pharmacy associations and stay active
  • Follow up on every lead U Keep in touch with fellow students
  • Network, network, network

Perfect Your Resume to Make it Perfect

  • Write a clear, concise career objective
  • Proof, reproof, and have at least 2 reviewers check for any errors
  • Personalize the cover letter
  • Be sure the type is readable

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