
Daily OTC Pearl: Vicks Dayquil

Dayquil offers relief for the symptoms of cold and flu.

OTC/Lifestyle Pearl of the Day: Vicks Dayquil

Indication: Dayquil is an OTC medication that treats daytime symptoms of cold and flu, which can include nasal congestion, cough, headache, minor aches and pains, fever and sore throat.


  • Dayquil can be taken every 4 hours. Do not exceed 4 doses within 24 hours.
  • Dayquil Cough can be taken every 6-8 hours.
  • Dayquil treats cold and flu symptoms for approximately 4 hours. Dayquil Cough provides up to 8 hours of cough relief.
  • If pregnant or breast-feeding, check with a health professional before taking Dayquil.


Vicks Dayquil FAQ – Vicks

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