Pharmacy Careers
Volume 0

WHEN A PHARMACY STUDENTdecides to start his or her own business,the prospect of "being your own boss" can be both exciting and daunting.Many students know they want to owntheir own store someday, but insecurityand lack of practical business knowledgemight make them hesitate to takethose first steps. Healthcare ConsultantsPharmacy Staffing (HCC PS) andPharmacy Business Solutions (PBS), ofLongwood, Fla, are able to help thefledgling pharmacy owner spread theirwings and soar to success.

HCC PS, the sister company to PBS,has been a leader in pharmacy consultingservices for 17 years, and has assistednumerous clients in the opening,expansion, and management of pharmaciesnationwide. Their consultants,all of whom are active pharmacists,have extensive experience in pharmacyoperations and business at all phases.Realizing that every business plan isdistinctive, and each state has differentlaws and regulations about pharmacypractice, HCC PS is able to focus oneach client individually.

Robert Miller, RPh, CPh, presidentand owner of HCC PS, explains howthe company came to meet the needs ofmany new pharmacy owners."Over theyears, many requests for nontraditionalpharmacist projects and areas ofexpertise began challenging the traditionalstaffing and placement model.HCC PS began matching candidateswith specific ‘skill sets'to these projects," he said.

When independent pharmacies sawtheir profits slip, they realized thatimproving efficiency and expandingtheir offerings were the only ways torecoup their slumping sales. Largecompanies have departments andhome offices to help with these functions;however, independent pharmacieshave to look to outside organizationsfor these services.

HCC PS has extensive experiencewith the start up of new pharmacies.Among the many areas they are able toassist pharmacy owners with are: budgetreview; employee training and development;location selection; processdesign; strategic planning; and vendorselection and relations.

The first, and probably most important,service is a complete review andanalysis of a client's business plan. IfHCC PS can correct any faultyassumptions or address unidentifiedissues before the plan is put into effect,the client can save a significant amountof time and money. The company thenprovides assistance and guidance in thelayout and design of the facility. Finally,HCC PS also provides ongoing pharmacymanagement oversight, which isdesigned to provide the owner andpharmacy staff insight and guidanceinto the operation of the pharmacy.

HCC PS also specializes in placingpharmacists and technicians withpharmacy jobs in their area. They canalso help a pharmacy fill an immediateposition with a qualified pharmacistquickly in case of an emergency,whether the need is just for the day orpermanent. For more information, visittheir Web site at or, or call 800-642-1652.

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