Pharmacy Careers
Volume 0

WELCOME TO THE BEST PROFESSION.By choosing a career in pharmacy, you haveopened a door to a multitude of opportunitiesin a wide variety of practice settings, any oneof which you may find rewarding. Regardlessof where you practice, however, you have chosena career dedicated to helping others.

Overall interest in the pharmacy professionis growing. Pharmacy school applications,enrollments, and degrees awarded continueto rise, according to the AmericanAssociation of Colleges of Pharmacy. Thenumber of colleges and schools with pharmacydegree programs also continues togrow, with the total now standing at about90. These increases are no surprise.

The demand for qualified pharmacists,together with the expanded opportunitiesin pharmacy and in health care, makes thepharmacy profession extremely attractive.Pharmacists repeatedly rank among themost trusted professionals in any field, andcommunity pharmacists are the mostaccessible health care professionals. Manyexciting opportunities and distinct challengesare facing pharmacists in the daysand years ahead in every practice setting.

Both independent and chain pharmacistsare on the front lines of health careevery day. Increasingly, hospital pharmacistsare part of the patient care team makingmedical rounds. All are dedicated toserving as medication experts and advocatesfor their patients.

Welcome again to a profession full ofopportunity. You are trusted by the public,respected by your peers in medicine, andare vital to the health care system.

Good luck!

Mr. Roberts is the executivevice president and chiefexecutive officer of theNational CommunityPharmacists Association.

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