Pharmacy Careers
Volume 0

IF YOU FOLLOW THE STANDARD "rules" for resume writing, you will end up with one that looks the same as all of the other new pharmacists. Let's see if we can create a resume that reflects your personality without losing its professional image. Things to consider if you would like your resume to reflect a little of your personality:

1. Add your school or college of pharmacy logo near its name.

2. Consider purchasing resume paper with your school's or college's watermark.

3. Highlight your accomplishments while in class or during your experiential education.

4. Be sure to include activities and interests that demonstrate creativity or leadership.

5. Use boldfaced type for those accomplishments for which you are most proud.

6. Purchase pocket folders so that you can place your cover letter on the left side and your resume on the right side.

7. Create a career objective that demonstrates energy, enthusiasm, and your value to the pharmacy.

8. If you have participated in a research project, published or developed a service, be sure to include them even if it takes more than a 1-page resume.

9. If you include activities or interests, be sure that they translate to a successful employee. As an example, volunteer service to a healthrelated organization demonstrates your concern for people.

10. A creative motto can "say" a lot in very few words. As an example, a pharmacy preceptor position might benefit from a motto, such as "Teaching Through Experience." If you can think of a motto that is cleaver and catchy, you might consider using it.

Dr. Tom O'Connor is the pharmacy student clerkship coordinator at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, Pa. He has taught clinical pharmacy and pharmacy management at 3 different schools of pharmacy and serves as the career counselor on the Pharmacy Times Web site.

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