Pharmacy Careers
Volume 0

PRACTICING PHARMACY IS A NOBLE career, regardless of the setting you choose. Our patients (never customers) rely on our dedication, our knowledge, and our caring approach to practice. In hospital practice, physicians, nurses, and other providers have become ever more reliant on their pharmacy colleagues.

I have been practicing in hospitals for about 30 years, and I have never been bored! All members of our staff have a variety of opportunities to practice in so many settings. Our responsibilities include direct patient care, dispensing, and a myriad of other functions.

I joined the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) as a student and have served the association in a variety of capacities, including president. Each one of those experiences was extremely positive and enlightening, doubtless contributing to my professional development. Our membership of more than 30,000 practitioners has many opportunities to contribute to the profession, with new practitioners being a vibrant part of the association. ASHP's publications and membership services ensure professional growth?and an opportunity to make a difference.

Hospital pharmacy practice continues to evolve in these exciting times. While I strongly encourage you to join me in choosing health system pharmacy practice, above all, strive to make a difference regardless of the career path you choose. Congratulations on your accomplishments and best wishes for a satisfying and successful career.

Mr. McAllister is past president of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, and director of pharmacy at University of North Carolina (UNC) Hospitals.

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