

Pharmacy Careers
September 2009
Volume 0

7 Deadly Sins: Resumes

➊ Spelling errors—Proof, reproof, and have at least 2 reviewers proof your résumé.

âž‹ Poor quality paper—Purchase a high-grade, heavy bonded paper.

➌ Dirty/unclear print—Print in traditional fonts with a size of at least 12 points, using a laser printer.

➍ Weak career objective—Write an objective that is “employer-oriented” and not purely self-serving.

➎ extraneous marks, folds, wrinkles, tears—Keep your résumés in a firm, closed folder.

➏ impersonal mailing address—Send your résumé to the individual who will make the hiring decision… not to the company or “to whom it may concern.”

➐ No cover letter—Attach a cover letter that introduces you and your interest in the position.

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