Camber Pharmaceuticals, Inc

Generic SupplementsGeneric Supplement 2016

Today, Camber boasts 80+ associates, 85,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space, sales of over a billion and a half dollars and is one of the fastest growing generics companies in the US.

When Kon Ostaficiuk walked into Camber Pharmaceuticals offices some 6 years ago there were four people and four lap-tops crammed into two small offices. Today, Camber boasts 80+ associates, 85,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space, sales of over a billion and a half dollars and is one of the fastest growing generics companies in the US. And according to Ostaficiuk, Camber’s President, “We’re just getting started.”

Aggressive Launch Schedule for 2016

Ostaficiuk continues, “One of the things that make us unique is that we have complete control of our supply chain from API to finished dosage. Our par-ent company, Hetero Drugs of Hyderabad, India, is one of the world’s leading API manufacturers, so we are vertically inte-grated from R&D all the way through marketing and distribution. We are planning an aggressive launch schedule that will see us introduce some 30 prod-ucts in the coming year, so these are challenging times for us.”

Camber Is Investing in the Future

Another important development for Camber is a significant investment in new US facilities, which include new headquarters and a state-of-the-art distribution facil-ity in New Jersey and manufacturing facilities on Long Island. “Our parent company, Hetero Drugs, is committed to the continued growth of Camber Pharmaceuticals and helping us create a world-class organization that will be a leader in the generics field for years to come,” states Ostaficiuk.

Camber’s parent company, Hetero Drugs, is one of the world’s largest producers of anti-retroviral (ARV) finished formulations and APIs. The company’s commitment to HIV/AIDS treatment started way back in 1997, being the first company to develop affordable APIs for anti-retroviral finished formu-lations. Today, they are recognized as a world leader in providing HIV/AIDS treatment.

Increased R&D and Manufacturing Facilities

Hetero is committed to increasing R&D and manufacturing capacities to meet the demands of the millions of patients that are still deprived of access to treatment. Today, Het-ero has built a strong product port-folio of over 30 ARV combinations and has been offering them to patients at an affordable cost.

Added Ostaficiuk, “Our Chair-man, B.P.S. Reddy of Hetero Drugs, likes to remind us that we are in the life-saving business and we believe not only in the survival of our patients but also in a superior quality of life. What I’m really most proud of as a sales and marketing organization is the culture we are building here at Camber. It’s the people and the com-mitment we have to the customer and to each other. We’re a young organization, not only in corporate years, but many of our associates are in their twenties and their pas-sion for the business is obvious and contagious.”

Based on what Kon Osatficiuk and Camber have been able to do in the last 6 years, one would have to agree the future certainly does look bright. As he stated earlier, “We’re just getting started.”

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