
3 Things Pharmacists Should Do More of This Year

What do you think pharmacists should do more of in 2016?

Looking ahead this year, I can’t help but think about what I need to focus on.

I think pharmacists have traditionally been introverted, and I would say that this applies to me, as well. With that in mind, and with the goal of expanding pharmacist provider status, here are 3 things that I believe pharmacists need to do more of in 2016.

1. Educate

Pharmacists have a wealth of medication knowledge that is useful in a variety of health care environments. Pharmacists need to put that expertise on display as often as they can.

Whether it be a formal presentation for a group of seniors, YouTube videos, or a question and answer session at your local school, pharmaicsts need to take on a more active role as medication educators. If you have already created presentations on various topics for your job or school, why not share them with others?

2. Engage

I think pharmacy has a higher percentage of introverted folks than other health care professions, but engaging with other health care professionals is fun, challenging, and rewarding. You can learn things from them, and you can undoubtedly help them with their patients’ medication-related problems.

3. Listen

I've had podcasting in the back of my mind for over a year, and one of my goals for 2016 is to get a podcast released. I'm also excited about listening to podcasts on various health-related topics to help round out my pharmacy education.

The beauty of podcasts is that you can listen to them while you are working out, driving to work, or going for a walk.

What do you think pharmacists should do more of in 2016?

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