

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Can You Read These Rxs?

Lan Nguyen, PharmD, of Lucky Pharmacy #767 in San Leandro, California, was only able to understand parts of this prescription. Staff members also looked at this script and were unable to determine the medication being prescribed. Nguyen called the physician?s office for verification. Can you determine what medication the physician ordered?

Wally Bielat, PharmD, RPh, ofWalgreens #4371 in Lafayette,Indiana, took several steps totry to solve this perplexing prescription.He asked the patient if she knew what thedoctor prescribed. He also checked thepatient?s history and saw that she had thismedication filled in the past. Bielat calledthe prescriber?s office to confirm this prescription.Can you figure out the answer tothis mystery?


Rx 1: Warfarin 2 mg, #60, 1 tablet nightly at bedtime. 1 refill.

Rx 2: Adderall XR 30 mg, #60, 1 capsule 2 times a day.

Read the answers

function showAnswer() {document.getElementById("answer").style.display = 'block';document.getElementById("link").style.display = 'none';}

Have eye-straining, baffling prescriptions? Send them to Pharmacy Times.Along with a clean photocopy of the prescription itself, your submission must include: (1) the name of your institution and its location; (2)your name and title (PharmD, RPh, Pharm Tech); (3) the correct name of the drug(s), strength, and dosing requirements; and (4) your telephonenumber. Please mail your submissions to: Can You Read These Rxs?, Attention: Eileen Koutnik-Fotopoulos. Pharmacy Times, 666 Plainsboro Road, Suite 300, Plainsboro, NJ 08536.

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