Pharmacy Technology Products

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Parata Max, Mini Adaptto Pharmacy Workflow

Parata Systems (Durham, NC) recentlylaunched the Parata Max and ParataMini—the first and only next-generationpharmacy automation systems, whichoperate with far greater autonomy tomake them simple for pharmacies tolearn, use, and maintain. The ParataMax significantly reduces staff supportrequirements and holds up to 232 finishedprescriptions. Furthermore, Parataincreased cell capacity by 30% toreduce replenishment frequency andsupport the pharmacy industry's movetoward bigger pills and bigger fills. TheParata Mini, a semi-automated versionof the same core technology, eliminatescell exchanges, making it easy for evenstart-up pharmacies to open their doorswith automation. It automates countingfor a pharmacy's top 49 movers, typicallyabout 30% of its total prescriptionvolume. Parata's Tom Rhoads, executivevice president, customer and marketstrategies, said, "When you think aboutfirst generation [automation] it requiresusers to adapt. With next generation,it adapts to the user." For more information,visit, or call888-PARATA1 (888-727-2821).

OnSiteRx ImprovesNursing Home Patient Care

Provider BusinessSolutions Inc's (Sunnyvale,TX) OnSiteRxsystem combinesan automated drugdispensingmachinewith Web-based softwarethat allowspharmacists, physicians,and nurses toorder prescriptions,check for side effects, and deliver medicationsto nursing home residents. Thesystem holds 240 of the most commonmedications for nursing home residents.The OnSiteRx system dispenses eachresident's drugs, seals them in plastic,and prints the patient's name andprescription information on the packet.Once a physician signs onto a Web siteand orders a medication, the systemreviews the medication for side effectsand checks whether it is covered by aresident's insurance. The prescription isthen sent over the Web to a pharmacist,who approves it for dispensing. For moreinformation, visit

DMClinic for DiabetesManagement Launched

Standing Stone Inc (Westport, CT) recentlylaunched its DMClinic softwareapplication. DMClinic will help hospitals,clinics, and other health care facilitiesmanage their inpatient and outpatientdiabetic patients. The applicationis the latest in a series of clinicalsupportdisease management applicationsthat includes CoagClinic andCholesterolClinic. DMClinic featuresseveralinnovations including detailedchecklists on health maintenance activities,tracking of multiple diabetes medications,comprehensive patient and clinicreports, and a patient educationsection. It is all combined with StandingStone Inc's "one screen" approachwhich helps speed data input and clinicefficiency. Installing DMClinic's HL7 interfaceenables automatic synchronizationof data throughout the organization.The application can be customized tosuit individual practice needs. For moreinformation, visit, or call 800-648-9877.

eGain Notify AddsProactive Service to Offerings

eGain's (Mountain View, CA) eGainOnDemand, the hosted version of eGainService suite, was recently implementedby one of the nation?s largest prescriptionmanagement and pharmaceuticalservices companies. The company isstarting with eGain Notify for outboundone-on-one notifications through securee-mail, short message service, and voice.Prescription and related services ofteninvolve multiple steps that are triggeredby the passage of time as well as theprogression of tasks relating to a specificcustomer service transaction suchas a drug refill. If participants are notnotified proactively about the status oftheir transactions, they contact the customerservice organization. This drivesup customer frustration and servicecosts for the business. The eGain Notifyfunctionality includes one-on-one servicealerts on topics such as the statusof orders, issues with orders, upcomingprescription refills, and impendingprescription expiration. The on-demandversion of eGain Notify integrates withexisting order management, customerdata management, and voice communicationsystems to provide personalizedand contextual one-on-one alerts. Formore information, visit,or call 800-821-4358.

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