can you READ these Rxs?

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Pharmacist Charles DeBoyce and staff, of PriceChopper Pharmacy #134 in Oneonta, New York,were not sure what medication was being prescribedwhen the patient dropped off this scriptat the counter. After a call to the prescribingphysician's office for clarification, DeBoycelearned that the drug being ordered is notcommercially available in the strength prescribed.Can you figure out what this medicineis?

Registered Pharmacist Cecil Shern, of Cecil'sPharmacy in Lehi, Utah, was stumped when thisprescription was brought into the pharmacy. Thepatient was unable to provide any clues for thismystery script. Shern called the prescribingphysician's office for verification. The physician'snurse was able to unravel the mystery.Can you decode this prescription?


Rx 1: Dexedrine 5 mg, #120, 2 tablets bid.

Rx 2: Decadron 3 mg, #90, take 1 tablet po tid, 3 refills.

Read the answers

function showAnswer() {document.getElementById("answer").style.display = 'block';document.getElementById("link").style.display = 'none';}

Have eye-straining, baffling prescriptions? Send them to Pharmacy Times.Along with a clean photocopy of the prescription itself, your submission must include: (1) the name of your institution and its location; (2)your name and title (PharmD, RPh, Pharm Tech); (3) the correct name of the drug(s), strength, and dosing requirements; and (4) your telephonenumber. Please mail your submissions to: Can You Read These Rxs?, Pharmacy Times, 103 College Road East, Princeton, NJ 08540.

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