pharmacy TECHNOLOGY products

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

MedBoard ImprovesPharmacy Operations

Baxa Corp (Englewood, CO) recentlylaunched the MedBoard MedicationTracking System (MTS). TheWeb-based medication tracking systemis designed to record pharmacypreparation and delivery activities. Thefirst wireless tracking system, it helpshealth systems improve productivitythrough order prioritization and deliveryassurance, reducing time spentfielding nursing calls and tracking orderstatus. The MedBoard MTS? order monitoringreduces waste by identifyingtime-sensitive orders and ensuring ontimedelivery. Built-in reports allowpharmacy managers to demonstrateperformance by delivery times, ordertype, nursing unit, and more. With theMedBoard MTS, pharmacies can managework flow using bar-code technology,improving efficiency and patientsafety by providing tracking for dosesthat are not part of the pharmacy?s automateddispensing cabinets. The systemrequires only a Web browser andhandheld scanners to get started. Formore information, visit,or call 800-567-BAXA (800-567-2292).

MetaCare eMAR ReducesMed Errors

Meta Pharmacy Systems (FloralPark, NY) recently launched Meta-Care Enterprise eMAR, a Web-basedpoint-of-care medication-administrationsystem designed to monitor andreduce medication errors with barcodetechnology. Upon scanning thepatient?s wristband bar code, MetaCareEnterprise eMAR identifies and verifiesthe patient, searches for the medicationsthat have been ordered for thepatient, and cross-checks for possibledrug allergies and interactions. Subsequentscanning of the actual medicationpackaging verifies the correct drug,dose, route of administration, and schedule.In addition, by efficiently automatingthe medication-administrationprocess, the system allows hospitalpharmacies to more efficiently trackmedication inventory while providingthe 5 rights of drug administration. Formore information, call 800-768-1920, orvisit

AVF-6 StreamlinesPharmacy Work Flow

TCGRx?s (Powers Lake, WI) AVF-6system features automated countingof medications. The device is well-suitedfor dispensing control medicationsor contaminate medications throughits dedicated chutes. The AVF-6, combinedwith TCGRx?s shelving options,can automate any number of medications.Medication cassettes are compatiblewith larger automation devices,so, as automation needs to grow, currentautomation is not obsolete. TheAVF-6 system also is an effective wayto automate high-moving oral solids.The large-capacity canisters (up to2200 cc) require less refill time forlarge or fast-moving medications.Optional components of the AVF-6include additional medication canistersto cover all of the large pills and fastmovingmedications and shelving forhandling additional high-volume medicationcanisters. For more information,visit

ESC Helps Prevent DrugCounterfeiting

Secure Symbology?s (Paramus, NJ)Electronic Sequence Code (ESC)program is a single-source solution forcounterfeiting. The system can beinstalled and implemented within 90days on any type of pharmaceuticalpackaging. The program applies globallyaccepted standard 2-dimensionalbar-code symbology in a unique way toserialize individual product units and,eventually, all levels of packaging. TheESC system combines technology toprint, scan, verify, compile, and transferserialized data, establishing a databaseof a product?s packaging andshipment history. The product createsa practical electronic pedigree forevery individual unit, and, as a result,serialized product data and verificationare available globally for anyauthorized supply-chain member(manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler,and retailer) through a secure applicationsoftware platform. The ESC systemis able to create distinctive bar-codelabels for unit-level packaging. A realtimefingerprint is printed on the package,stored in a database, and madeaccessible online. Products can betracked throughout their lifetime byconnecting bar-code scanners to Webbrowsers. For more information,

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