A new poll by the Wall StreetJournal Online/Harris Interactive Surveyof adults 65 years of age or olderfound that 87% of those enrolled in aMedicare Part D plan are satisfiedwith it.
Of respondents, 75% say their planhas resulted in lower out-of-pocketcosts for prescription drugs, and 83%find their plans to be user-friendly. Choice of prescriptiondrugs and the cost of copays and deductibles are among themost important factors seniors consider when deciding on aMedicare drug plan, the survey found. When asked whetherthey intend to change their Medicare drug plans in 2008,71% said they are not likely to do so, compared with 19%who responded that they are expecting to change plans.
The online survey of 571 adults 65 and older was conductedfrom November 29, 2007, to December 3, 2007.