can you READ these Rxs?

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Rx 1: Registered Pharmacist Rozaleen Shehata of RiteAid Pharmacy #3721 in Manassas, Va, was gladthe patient did not need this prescription rightaway. After 3 different staff members tried toidentify the medication being prescribed, Shehatacalled the prescribing physician's office forclarification. It took the physician's office 3 daysto call back and verify the script. What do youthink this prescription says?

Rx 2: Registered Pharmacist Marvin Mayerson and thestaff of CVS/pharmacy in Montvale, NJ, had funwith this prescription. After consultation withthe pharmacy staff, which could not read thisRx, Mayerson decided to check the patient'sprofile. He quickly found that the patient hadthis medication filled on an earlier date andwas able to fill the script. How many attemptswill it take for you to correctlyidentify this prescription?

Have eye-straining, baffling prescriptions? Send them to Pharmacy Times. Along with a clean photocopy of the prescription itself, your submission must include: (1) the name of your institution and its location; (2)your name and title (PharmD, RPh, Pharm Tech); (3) the correct name of the drug(s), strength, and dosing requirements; and (4) your telephonenumber. Please mail your submissions to: Can You Read These Rxs?, Pharmacy Times, 103 College Road East, Princeton, NJ 08540.

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Rx 1: Indocin, 25 mg, 1 tablet 3 times daily after meals, 3 refills.

Rx 2: Concerta, 18 mg, #30, 1 tablet daily.

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