Share Your Pharmacy Pet Peeves

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

It is no secret that pet peeves come with any profession. Pharmacy Times wants toknow what ticks you off. In each issue of our ePharmacy Times newsletter, we will continueour ongoing list of pharmacists' complaints. Perhaps you'll identify with one andnod your head in agreement because you're not alone. Please e-mail your complaintsalong with your name to Eileen Koutnik-Fotopoulos at are some pet peeves pharmacists have submitted:

36. Dealing with a patient who insiststhat we are in cahoots with the insurancecompany that has set the highcopay and deductible for the medication.?L. Buckles

37. Having nonpharmacists as pharmacydistrict managers.

38. Dealing with patients who call in totell me that they have ordered theirmedication from the Internet, but thepills don't look like they normally do.Then they want me to help them figureout what it is they really got. Ofcourse, these have come from a foreigncountry, and the shape and markingsdon't match anything we have in theUnited States.?Shawna Beaver

39. Having to spend hundreds of dollarsstocking the new and improved versionof yesterday's blockbuster drugsjust because the manufacturer is protectingitself from profit losses due topatent expirations.

40. Encountering patients who think it'syour job to call their insurance companyto figure out why their ID is nolonger valid.?Jill Ponce

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