Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Retail-based health clinics are winning the support of mostAmericans, according to a recent Wall Street JournalOnline/Harris Interactive health care poll. Of the 2441 US adultspolled who visited the clinics, 42% said that their health insurancepolicy covered all or a portion of the costs, 36% said insurancedid not cover any of the costs, and 22% reported they didnot have health insurance at the time.

A majority of the individuals who use clinics are mainly satisfied.The poll found that 83% said they had been satisfied withthe convenience offered by the clinics, and 90% said they aresatisfied with the quality of care. As for the cost, 80% said they are satisfied.Yet, many of the respondents said they worry about the quality of care at these clinics.

For example, 64% said they would be worried about the staff qualifications at aclinic not run by physicians.

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