generic times product news

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium for Oral Suspension USP

Marketed by:Ranbaxy PharmaceuticalsInc, a wholly owned subsidiaryof RanbaxyLaboratories Ltd (Guragon,India)

Compared to:Augmentin ES-600 for OralSuspension (GlaxoSmithKline)

Indication:January 31, 2007?Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticalsannounced that it received final approval from theFDA to market amoxicillin and clavulanate potassiumfor oral suspension USP, 600 mg/42.9 mg (base)/5 mL.The product is indicated for the treatment of pediatricpatients with recurrent or persistent acute otitismedia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae,Haemophilus influenzae, or Moraxella catarrhalis characterizedby the following risk factors: antibiotic exposurefor acute otitis media within the preceding 3months and either of the following: age <2 years orday-care attendance.

Dosage Form:600 mg/42.9 mg (base)/5 mL

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Cabergoline Tablets

Marketed by:Teva Pharmaceuticals (NorthWales, Pa)

Compared to:Dostinex (Pharmacia ItaliaS.p.A.)

Indication:March 7, 2007?TevaPharmaceuticals announcedthe introduction and availability of CabergolineTablets. Cabergoline is a dopamine receptor agonist.The product is indicated for the treatment of hyperprolactinemicdisorders, either idiopathic or due topituitary adenomas. This product is AB-rated andbioequivalent to Dostinex Tablets. CabergolineTablets are available in unit-of-use bottle sizes of 8,in a dosage strength of 0.5 mg.

Dosage Form:Tablets: 0.5 mg

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Cefadroxil Tablets

Marketed by:West-wardPharmaceutical Corp(Eatontown, NJ)

Compared to:Duricef (Warner Chilcott)

Indication:April 13, 2007?West-wardPharmaceutical Corp launchedCefadroxil 1-g tablets, a semisyntheticcephalosporin antibiotic intended for oral administration.The product is indicated for the treatmentof patients with infection caused by susceptiblestrains of the designated organisms in urinary tractinfections caused by Escherichia coli, Proteusmirabilis, and Klebsiella species; skin and skinstructure infections caused by staphylococci and/orstreptococci; and pharyngitis and/or tonsillitiscaused by Streptococcus pyogenes.

Dosage Form:Tablets: 1 g

For More Information:800-631-2174

Moexipril Hydrochloride andHydrochlorothiazide Tablets

Marketed by:TevaPharmaceuticals(North Wales, Pa)

Compared to:Uniretic Tablets(Warner-LambertCo)

Indication:March 7, 2007?Teva Pharmaceuticals launchedMoexipril Hydrochloride and HydrochlorothiazideTablets. The product is a combination of anangiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, moexiprilhydrochloride, and a diuretic, hydrochlorothiazide.Moexipril Hydrochloride and HydrochlorothiazideTablets are indicated for the treatment of patientswith hypertension. The recommended dosagerange of moexipril is 7.5 to 30 mg daily, administeredin a single dose or 2 divided doses 1 hourbefore meals, while hydrochlorothiazide is effectivein a dosage of 12.5 to 50 mg daily.

Dosage Form:Tablets: 7.5 mg/12.5 mg, 15 mg/12.5 mg, 15 mg/25mg

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