pharmacy TECHNOLOGY products

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Bar Codes Say It All

Medi-Dose's (Ivyland, Pa) 2-D BarCoding is a new component of theMILT 2.6 software. The MILT programaccommodates 2-D and Multi-Part BarCodes for liquid packaging, syringes,and ampules, along with tablets andcapsules. The additional bar-code featuresallow clinicians to combineNational Drug Codes, lot numbers, andexpiration dates into a small but readablebar code on the company'sLiquiDose and Mini LiquiDose labels.MILT can interpret bar codes frommedication manufacturers and printthem directly on the unit-dose packaging.The software minimizes the potentialfor medication errors and helpsensure accuracy right up to thepatient's bedside. For more information,visit, or call800-523-8966.

EPS Introduces InnovativePharmacy Environment's (Fort Worth, Tex)Enterprise Pharmacy System (EPS)features an advanced enterprise-widework-flow system with electronichealth care record technology and arevenue-based medication therapymanagement (MTM) module. Theadvanced enterprise work-flow technologybuilt into EPS not only facilitatesefficient work flow with individualpharmacies, but also provides for balancingthe workload across an entirechain. As a result, pharmacies canincrease efficiency by allowing specifictasks to be shared among stores, callcenters, and centers of excellencewithin the chain. Among the centralizedfiles EPS accesses, the electronichealth care record facilitates the realtime,chain-wide exchange of demographic,prescription, clinical, andtransaction data. Using this technology,pharmacies can fill prescriptions andperform true chain-wide drug utilizationreview for patients, regardless ofwhich pharmacies in the chain theyshop. The EPS and the PDX PharmacySystem are integrated with the Rx.comAutoMail program. Using the AutoMailprogram, the MTM programs enablepharmacies to enroll in different programsdesigned to increase persistencyand better manage chronic medicalconditions. For more information,

System Creates CompleteMedical Record

Clinical Support Services Inc's(Buffalo, NY) PMR Smart now allowspatients to record and monitor theirvitals, such as blood pressure, weight,and glucose readings. These self-monitoringdata, combined with prescriptiondetails and physician medicalreports, create a comprehensive medicalrecord for the patient. PMR Smartis an integral part of the company'smedication therapy management softwaresystem. As part of the personalmedical records software, pharmacistscan streamline a process to createsecure, Web-based personal medicalrecords that health care providers,patients, and their caregivers canaccess from virtually anywhere there isa broadband Internet connection. Formore information, call 888-686-7284,or visit

Remote Fill GetsPharmacists Back to PatientCounseling

HCC's (Fort Worth, Tex) Remote Filloption allows a pharmacy to shift thefilling of assigned prescriptions to a fulfillmentservice provider (central-fillsite) or to a self-operated centralizedfulfillment operation. By centralizingthe automation, pharmacies can takeadvantage of one centralized roboticsetup instead of paying for robotics inindividual stores, or they can participatein central-fill provider solutions.Prefilled prescriptions are delivered tothe pharmacies so that they are readyfor the patient on time. By removingthe refill labor component from thepharmacy, pharmacists will have moretime to spend managing their pharmaciesand caring for their patients. Allthe prescriptions are processed throughFDA EZ Data Warehouse, where formularyrules are applied to identify qualifyingprescriptions. These selected prescriptionsare enrolled in the Auto RefillMaintenance program. The pharmacyis notified approximately 7 days priorto the next refill date via a message inthe HCC pharmacy system Rx queue.The pharmacy staff chooses whetherthe prescription is filled locally or allocatedto the Remote-Fill provider.Remote-filled prescriptions are deliveredback to the pharmacy for qualitycontrol review and patient pickup. Formore information, visit, or call 888-727-5422.

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