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Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

It is no secret that pet peeves come with any profession. Pharmacy Times wants toknow what ticks you off. In each issue of our ePharmacy Times newsletter, we will continueour ongoing list of pharmacists' complaints. Perhaps you'll identify with one andnod your head in agreement because you're not alone. Please e-mail your complaintsalong with your name to Eileen Koutnik-Fotopoulos at are some pet peeves pharmacists have submitted:

21. Dealing with people who call to askwhat the little blue pill is supposedto do. They provide no prescriptionnumber, no tablet number, and itwasn't filled in your pharmacy.—Shirley Ford

22. Trying to comprehend why stateboards of pharmacy and/or statelabor departments don't have theintestinal fortitude to mandate apaid lunch break for pharmacists ofat least a half hour away from thepharmacy.—Wayne Schmad

23. Having a patient call to get refills on"everything," just to have them callback after they've picked them up,wanting a refund on one the doctorhad "taken them off of last week." —Michelle Scott

24. Using insurance cards in general withall their codes, numbers, and variousnames, most of which don't apply toactually getting the prescription filledin a timely manner.—Raymond Fraedrich

25. Dealing with not being able topurchase drugs at the same prices asmail-order companies.—W.F. Ott

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