

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Cinnamon Improves Metabolic Action of Insulin


New research on cinnamon and cinnamonextracts has demonstrated theirpositive effects on controlling bloodsugar and lipid metabolism for peoplewith diabetes and cardiovascular disease.As a rich source of chromium,which is needed for carbohydratemetabolism, cinnamon also has propertiesthat increase insulin-dependent glucosemetabolism in laboratory experiments.A study of 60 men and womenwith type 2 diabetes showed that thosetreated with 1, 3, or 6 g/day of cinnamonfor 40 days had decreases in fasting glucoselevels of 18% to 29% and significantdecreases in triglycerides, cholesterol,and low-density lipoproteins. Anotherplacebo-controlled, double-blind trialincluded 22 prediabetic adults who weregiven 500 mg/day of water-soluble cinnamonextract or placebo for 12 weeks.Results showed that 83% of participantswho were given the extract had a significantdecrease in fasting blood glucose(8%), compared with 33% of those in theplacebo group.

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