

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

ACEIs Reduce Risk of Kidney Disease


Patients with type 2 diabetes and highblood pressure who take angiotensinconvertingenzyme inhibitor (ACEI) bloodpressure drugs have a decreased risk ofkidney disease, according to a new study.The Italian study included more than 1200patients with concurrent type 2 diabetesand hypertension who randomly receivedeither an ACEI, a calcium channel blocker(CCB), a combination of an ACEI and aCCB, or a placebo. Researchers thenmeasured amounts of the protein albuminin the urine—one of the first signs ofkidney disease. Those patients whoseblood pressure was under control hadlower rates of microalbuminuria, no matterwhich treatment they used. Patientswho used the combination therapy hadthe greatest decrease in blood pressureand were less likely to need additionalantihypertensive medication. Resultsshowed that the ACEI, whether takenalone or in combination, protectedagainst kidney disease, even if high bloodpressure was present. The researchersconcluded that "an ACEI should alwaysbe used in patients with high blood pressureand diabetes." Results appeared inthe December 2006 issue of the Journalof the American Society of Nephrology.

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