

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

can you READ these Rxs?

Rx 1:Registered Pharmacist Laura Blankenship ofWal-Mart Pharmacy in Mexia, Tex, was not surprisedto see another script from this prescribingphysician. It is par for the course from this localdoctor when writing prescriptions?illegiblehandwriting. Blankenship followed the normalprocedure for this physician's scripts andcalled the office to clarify the medicationsbeing ordered. Can you identify this drug?

Rx 2:Registered Pharmacists Jeanne H. Erickson andMargo Arnesen and Eileen Glad, CPhT, of WarroadHeritage Pharmacy in Warroad, Minn, were completelystumped by this prescription. They madeseveral attempts to decode this prescription withno success. Eventually, they called the prescribingphysician's office for verification. A nurse atthe office said they were used to getting callsabout scripts written by this particular doctor.Can you unscramble this prescription?

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Rx 1: Alprazolam (Xanax) 0.25 mg, #40, 1 tablet q 4 h. Rx 2: Nitroglycerin 0.4 mg, 1 tablet as directed.

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