

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0


Pharmacistsnow have aneducational toolto prepare themto deliver medicationtherapymanagement(MTM) services in the community pharmacysetting. The interactive CD-ROM program,titled Medication Therapy Management:Training & Techniques for Providing MTMServices in Community Pharmacy, isdesigned to assist pharmacists in improvingtheir knowledge and skills in workingwith patients to resolve medication-therapyissues.

The program follows a process createdto enhance care, improve the dialogueamong patients and providers, improvecoordination of care, and optimize medicationuse, which can lead to better patientoutcomes. Using a video presentation, theprogram demonstrates the most advantageouscommunication strategies for interactingwith both patients and prescribers,in addition to offering tips on developing apatient and referral base and building anMTM practice. The program follows a pharmacistand a patient through a completemedication review, explains the core elementsof MTM services, and demonstrateshow to apply them to the patient. The programis accredited for 2.5 hours of continuingpharmacy education credit.

The program is the newest in a series ofMTM services developed in a collaborationbetween the National Association of ChainDrug Stores Foundation and the AmericanPharmacists Association. The CD-ROM canbe ordered at or by telephoneat 800-878-0729; use code D6001.

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