can you READ theseRxs?

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Rx 1:When David Ballard, RPh, owner of Super Rex Drugs in Boonville, NC, received this prescription, he knew from the physician's name that he was going to have a hard time figuring it out. He contacted the physician twice but never received a response. Luckily, the patient knew the name of the drug, and, after faxing the script to another RPh for his evaluation, their suspicions were confirmed. Can you figure out what this medicine is?

Rx 2:This prescription puzzled Registered Pharmacist Brian Westberg and Kim Morelock, CPhT, of Western Drug in Bozeman, Mont. Someone at the prescribing physician's office had attempted to provide clarification by rewriting the drug name prior to faxing in this prescription. A call to the physician's office, however, surprised the staff at the pharmacy when the answer came back. Can you unscramble this prescription?

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Rx 1: Paregoric 8 oz. Rx 2: Flurazepam 15 mg, #15, 1 tablet hs prn, 1 refill.

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