

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Pharmacy TECHNOLOGY Products


PrairieStone Pharmacy(Minneapolis,Minn) recently introducedDailyMed, aretail drug packagingsolution that presortsmultiple prescriptions,OTC medications, andvitamins into easy-to-use,single-dose packets.These sealed packetsare arranged by thedate and time theyshould be taken. With DailyMed, patientsreceive a month's supply of their medicationsall at once inside a convenient dispensingbox. The packets are connectedby a perforation so they are easily accessible.The goal of DailyMed is to improvethe lives of patients who use the dispensingsystem and their caregivers. Theproduct does this not only by making iteasier for patients to take their medicationsand thereby better manage theirhealth conditions, but also by allowingPrairieStone pharmacists to review apatient's entire drug profile and identifydrug interactions, lower cost alternatives,or duplicate therapies. For more information,visit, orcall 800-973-1955.

On-Demand IVR Service

TeleManager Technologies Inc(Newark, NJ) recently introduced the On-Demand IVR [interactive voice response]Service. The service allows pharmacystaff to answer phones when they can,ensuring they continue to offer a personaltouch to their patients. With thisapproach, pharmacies only pay for whatthey use. The On-Demand IVR Service isrisk-free, has no equipment cost, has noobsolescence, and has no busy signals.When a patient or prescriber dials thepharmacy and the phone is notanswered, the call is handled byTeleManager's central IVR host and isseamlessly routed back to the pharmacy.The system can be integrated with apharmacy's management system orused on a stand-alone basis. The benefitsare as follows: service is transparent topatients and physicians calling the pharmacy;there are no monthly maintenancefees or costly upgrades; it eliminatesthe need to put patients on hold;and no additional equipment needs to beinstalled in the pharmacy. For more information,visit, orcall 800-600-0435.

Mettler ToledoPharmacy Line

Mettler Toledo(Columbus, Ohio)recently introduceda new line of balances—the MettlerToledo PharmacyLine. Tailored to the needs of pharmaciesworldwide, the pharmacy lineoffers dedicated software solutions andreliable weighing technology for trouble-free daily operation. The productline includes a dedicated software solutionthat mixes formulations and medicationswith the function "Formula"—which, with the touch of a button,counts pills or tablets using the countingapplication and assures accurateresults in unstable environments withthe vibration adapter. All the balancesin the Mettler Toledo Pharmacy Linehave a customized design. TheAesculap symbol is internationallyunderstood and points out that this balanceis made for pharmacists. All 1-and0.1-mg balances are equipped with adraft shield that can be easily cleaned.Temperature changes can influence theaccuracy of the weighing effects. Withthe Fully Automatic CalibrationTechnology, the balance eliminatesthese effects for accurate results underall conditions. The pharmacy line comprisesa broad portfolio of balances foruse in pharmacies. From a 0.01-g precisionbalance up to a 0.1-mg analyticalbalance, pharmacists may find the perfectbalance for their pharmacy. Formore information, visit

Web-based Advanced BarCode Technology

Correct Rx Pharmacy Services(Linthicum, Md) recently launched a pilotprogram with a new bar-code technology,arming customers with the tools andknowledge to improve accuracy andcheck in orders more efficiently. Theprocess begins when Correct Rx employeesuse the Web-Based Advanced BarCode Technology to scan a bar codeattached to a prescription to verify thatthe prescription in the shipping containercompletely corresponds with the customer'sprescription order. When the prescriptionarrives, the facility medical personnelscan the bar code on the medicationorder, which also lists the shipmentcontents, and the Web-based programdouble-checks the scanned contentsagainst the actual packing list. This doublecheck saves time and reduceshuman error when unpacking prescriptionorders. If a discrepancy occurs, however,the system automatically submits areport to the customer as well as toCorrect Rx so that the problem can easilybe rectified. For more information,, or call800-636-0501.

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