Lack of Zs for Young Children

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

It is no surprise to parents that many babies and toddlers do not get adequate sleep. Arecent survey found that 26% of parents of children up to 4 years old reported that their childdoes not get sufficient sleep. Of the 1003 parents and caregivers surveyed, 40% said thattheir child has a problem nearly every day or night, including difficulty falling asleep, wakingup in the middle of the night, or getting up too early in the morning. The survey also foundthat, as children get older, they are less prone to sleep 12 to 15 hours a day, the recommendedminimum from the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) and pediatric sleep experts.

In addition, of the parents and caregivers surveyed, 71% said that they get less sleep thanthey feel they need. The survey was commissioned by Pampers (Procter & Gamble Co) andconducted with the NSF.

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