Happy Birthday, Tylenol!

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Tylenol recentlypassed a big milemarker—50 years. Introduced in 1955,the Tylenol brand was originally for children.It was not until 1961 that McNeilConsumer & Specialty Pharmaceuticals,part of the Johnson & Johnson family ofcompanies, launched Tylenol for adults.

Sales figures prove that the best-knownacetaminophen is still goingstrong. The brand's sales were up nearly9% in the first 9 months of 2005.Sales in 2004 totaled $786.5 million,but the figure does not include sales tohospitals, nursing homes, and Wal-Mart stores, according to the researchfirm Information Resources Inc. Asidefrom Tylenol being in 70% of UShouseholds, the removal of the antiinflammatoryprescription painkillersVioxx and Bextra from the market issaid to have contributed to the salesgrowth. Tylenol is in a different drugclass from anti-inflammatories such asVioxx, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Tylenolis less likely to interact with othermedications and is safe for patientswith common conditions, comparedwith those drugs and aspirin.

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