

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Web Site Details Risks of Importing Rx Drugs

In recent months, there havebeen numerous reports by healthcare experts and security individualson the risks of importing prescriptiondrugs. The Pharmaceutical Researchand Manufacturers of America(PhRMA) is taking action with an onlineclearinghouse so patients andconsumers can learn firsthand aboutexperts' opinions on the dangers associatedwith importing medicines.

The Web site ( provides information on safe,legal ways patients can save money onprescription drugs, educates patientson the risks of importing medicines,and why legalizing importation is abad policy. "This site will help peopleunderstand the wide scope and depthof information that demonstrates[how] importing prescription drugsoutside of the FDA delivery systemputs patients at risk. It also pointspatients to safe, legal alternatives toimportation if they need help withtheir prescription drugs," said BillyTauzin, president and chief executiveofficer of PhRMA.

To that end, PhRMA formed thePartnership for Prescription Assistance,which offers a single point ofaccess to >275 public and private assistanceprograms, including >150 programsoffered by pharmaceutical companies.For more information,, or call 888-4PPANOW(888-477-2669).

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