Medicare Resource Center Is Now Available

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

The National Community PharmacistsAssociation (NCPA) has launchedan on-line Medicare Resource Center tohelp with the transition to MedicarePart D. The site is designed to providecommunity pharmacists with theknowledge and tools needed to successfullyimplement the drug benefitprogram.

Information found on the siteincludes materials and resources addressingMedicare Part D contracts,how to communicate with Medicarebeneficiaries concerning Part D, continuingeducation opportunities, preregistrationfor NCPA's Medicare Rx Forums,and frequently asked questions for bothpharmacists and patients.

"In order to successfully overcomethe challenges and make the most ofthe opportunities, community pharmacistsmust be prepared. NCPA iscommitted to doing its part to preparepharmacists, and in turn their patients,for the biggest change inMedicare's 40-year history. The MedicareResource Center will serve as theone-stop resource connecting thenation's community pharmacists withthe many tools and resources developedand compiled by NCPA on thisimportant topic," said Bruce Roberts,RPh, executive vice president andchief executive officer for NCPA.

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