

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Legal Issues in Pharmacy: The

A Pharmacy Times survey regarding dispensing the morning-after pill found that more than half of the pharmacists believed that they should be allowed to step away from filling the prescription contraceptive. Of the 897 responses, 553 (61.6%) agreed, 299 (33.3%) disagreed, and 45 (5%) were undecided.

A majority of the respondents thought that pharmacists who refuse to dispense the morning-after pill should find a way for the patient to receive the prescription. Of the 895 participants, 605 (67.6%) agreed with the statement, 226 (25.2%) disagreed, and 64 (7.1%) were undecided. As for practice settings, the poll also showed that 306 (34.1%) of the 897 respondents worked in the chain pharmacy industry.

Morning-After Pill?Survey Results

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