

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Watch the Waistband

An expanding waistline is a strong marker of an individual'srisk of becoming insulin-resistant. Individuals who are insulin-resistantdo not use insulin correctly. For example, they mayhave blood levels of glucose that are greater than normal buthave not reached the range indicating prediabetes. Theresearchers explained that the extra weight is a leading and preventablerisk factor for type 2 diabetes.

The study included 2746 men and women between the agesof 18 and 72 who had waist circumferences ranging from 65 to150 cm. The participants had their height, weight, and waist andhip sizes measured and a blood sample taken to examine insulinsensitivity. The researchers found that waist size was a strongindicator of insulin resistance. "Waist circumference is a simpletool to exclude insulin resistance and to identify those at greatestrisk,"reported study author Hans Wahrenberg, MD, in the BritishMedical Journal (April 15, 2005).

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