Potassium chloride (KCl) has long been used for regulatingblood pressure, but British scientists have discovered that potassiumcitrate has a similar effect. It can be found in fruits and vegetables.Until recently, studies of the effect of potassium on bloodpressure have used KCl and placebo, but now other potassiumsalts have proven effective.
Researchers recorded the blood pressure of 14 adults withhypertension—approximately 140 mm Hg/90 mm Hg. Theyadministered KCl one week, waited a week, and then administeredpotassium citrate for a week. At the beginning of the study,the average blood pressure was 151 mm Hg/93 mm Hg. Aftertaking KCl, the pressure dropped to 140 mm Hg/88 mm Hg, andafter taking potassium citrate it fell to 138 mm Hg/88 mm Hg.Study author Dr. Graham A. MacGregor concluded, "Theseresults?indicate that potassium does not need to be given in theform of chloride to lower blood pressure. This supports the evidencethat the main effect of increasing fruit and vegetable intakeon blood pressure is due to the increase in potassium intake."