Community Care Rx (CCRx) plansto participate on a national basis underthe 2006 Medicare Part D prescriptiondrug program. With its success in theMedicare discount card program,CCRx will continue its focus on communitypharmacists and their patients.The program will continue with itsoriginal goals to assess and launch programsand services that support thefundamental roles that only communitypharmacists can offer.
Commenting on CCRx participation,Bruce Roberts, RPh, chairman of theboard of CCRx, said, "Just as our participatingpharmacists have proventhrough the Medicare discount card program,we are certain that they will play avital role in making the Part D Programa success by assisting those Medicarebeneficiaries that choose to enroll withCCRx in properly utilizing their prescriptionmedications and in managing theirprescription drug spending."