Drug-Quality System and GMPs Are Topics of Workshops

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

In conjunction with the FDA, the Consumer Healthcare Products Association will hold summer workshops on the FDA's systems approach to drug quality. Attendees will have an opportunity to interact with FDA personnel and to work in a collaborative manner to create new ways to guarantee product quality across a variety of disciplines and organizations.

Because the current drug-quality system of regulating, complying, and implementing is under review, the FDA has affirmed that a risk- and science-based approach is its preferred path for the future. The new current Good Manufacturing Practices will include potential program-management and logistical benefits for both the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry, with the goal of accommodating continued improvements while allowing for the use of new technologies and management practices.

Workshops will be held in Parsippany, NJ, on July 12, 2004, and in Chicago, Ill, on August 9, 2004. For more information, visit www.chpa-info.org.

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