

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Air Travel Tips For Diabetics

The following travel tips for diabetics were developed by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in response to the stepped-up security at US airports. Patients should:

? Notify the screener that they have diabetes and are carrying their supplies

? Make sure that insulin, jet injectors, pens, infusers, and preloaded syringes are properly identified

? Have insulin with them in order to carry empty syringes and other supplies through the checkpoint

? Know that lancets, blood glucose meters, and blood glucose test strips can be carried through the security checkpoint

? Notify screeners if they are wearing an insulin pump and ask if screeners will visually inspect the pump since it cannot be removed

The TSA also recommends that patients with diabetes pack at least twice the number of supplies needed during travel. In addition, these patients should bring a quick-acting source of glucose on planes, as well as snacks, such as nutrition bars.

For international travel, patients should consult individual air carriers for regulations on traveling with diabetes supplies.

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