Camber Pharmaceuticals Inc-One of the Fastest Growing Suppliers of Generic Pharmaceuticals

Generic SupplementsGeneric Supplement 2010
Volume 0

This international pharmaceutical company offers a comprehensive product line that includes a wide range of therapeutic categories and products.

Camber Pharmaceuticals is a fully integrated international pharmaceutical company that maintains quality and integrity in all its products from API manufacturing to finished dosage. Camber Pharmaceuticals is a rapidly growing sales and marketing company with a mission to provide exceptional value in the expanding generics marketplace. In 2009, Camber more than doubled its overall sales, as well as its sales personnel presence, in the US pharmaceutical marketplace. Camber’s parent company, Hetero Drugs of Hyderabad, India, is a leader in the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Hetero drugs employs over 5000 employees, including over 300 scientists, at their 9 facilities. Hetero has a global presence in over 100 countries, including an associate company in the United States, the generic manufacturer InvaGen Pharmaceuticals Inc of Hauppauge, NY.

State of the Art Facilities and Features include:

• 6 US FDA approved site—API

• 3 FDA-approved sites—Finished Goods

• Over 100 drug master files filed

• Facilities and joint ventures in India, the United States, South America, Spain, and the Middle East

Products and Pipeline

Camber’s comprehensive line includes a wide range of therapeutic categories and products, such as antiretrovirals, antiulcerants, antineoplastics, cardiovascular drugs, antibacterials, antidepressants, antidiabetics, and others.

Dosage forms include:

• Solid orals

• Semisolids and soft gels

• Liquids: solutions and suspensions

• Specialty products

• Injectables and inhalers

Three New Product Lines

Camber is proud to announce the introduction of 3 new products to their fast growing line of generic drugs.

The new products include:

• Fosinopril (Monopril) 10, 20, and 40 mg in 90-count bottles

• Gabapentin (Neurontin) 100, 300, and 400 mg in 100- count and 500-count bottles

• Methocarbamol (Robaxin) 500 and 750 mg in 100-count and 500-count bottles Camber Aids Haiti Relief Effort with AmeriCares Recently Camber generously responded to AmeriCares’ emergency appeal for the Haiti earthquake relief efforts with donations of Ramipril cardiovascular medicine that were valued at over $1.8 million. Camber’s donation was distributed to severely damaged health facilities in need of supplies, which enabled doctors and nurses to treat patients in the earthquake disaster area. Camber’s donations also helped supply 9 US-based medical teams volunteering to provide treatment in the immediate aftermath through the AmeriCares Medical Outreach Program. Camber’s rapid response enabled AmeriCares to effectively deliver critical supplies in the face of chaos caused by this terrible disaster.

Camber’s Product Strategy

• Provide high-quality products that are affordable and accessible to today’s patients

• Capitalize on core strengths to deliver maximum profitability to customers

• Plan on filing 20 abbreviated new drug applications each year

• Develop long range plan for the next decade of generic requirements PT

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