2015 Technician of the Year Finalists


Read about the 2015 Technician of the Year Finalists.

2015 Technician of the Year Finalists

School District of Osceola County

Orlando, FL

Verender Gail Brown is a pharmacy technology teacher and intern coordinator for the School District of Osceola County. According to her nominator, “Gail’s commitment and vision to the role of pharmacy technician brings a renewed sense of professionalism to technicians of all capabilities.”

Greatest Achievements

My greatest achievements include informing others about the value of educated pharmacy technicians as vital members of the evolving collaborative health care team.

Source of Inspiration

My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is my inspirational source. The other winds beneath my wings are my phenomenal mother, Mrs. Daisy H. Gamble, retired teacher; my amazing brother, Stephen; and my loving, departed father, William.

Personal Philosophy

My favorite Bible verse, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5 KJV), has governed how I live and treat others. To me, that says it all.

Vision for Pharmacy

I envision pharmacy where every human resource is utilized to its greatest capacity. A pharmacy technician is a gateway role to critical positions in health care. The title should never limit what an educated and well-experienced person is capable of bringing to health care.

Andrew Rader US Army Health Clinic

Fort Myer, VA

Damira Gajek is a supervising pharmacy technician for the Andrew Rader US Army Health Clinic. “Damira sets the example for all others in the pharmacy, and her positive attitude has a great effect on the high morale of our pharmacy,” her nominator wrote. “She embodies the spirit and values of her profession and is a true team player.”

Greatest Achievements

My greatest achievement was being chosen to lead our pharmacy.

Source of Inspiration

The lessons I learned throughout my life are what brought me to the path of pharmacy. I wanted to help all those who needed help.

Personal Philosophy

I consider myself someone who is always there for those in need. My work as a pharmacy technician reflects this, and it is immensely rewarding when I am able to help people get the treatment they need.

Vision for Pharmacy

The pharmacy will always be a place that is needed by all. As pharmacy expands and more advanced drugs are made, pharmacists and technicians will always be here to treat and educate our patients.

Mission Hospital

Asheville, NC

Sherry Silvers is a pharmacy technician with Mission Hospital. “She has become a vital part of the health care team at Mission Hospital, interacting with pharmacists, physicians, nurses, care managers, and everyone else involved in delivering top-tier health care to our patients,” her nominator wrote.

Greatest Achievements

Helping implement the bedside prescription delivery program has been the greatest achievement of my professional career.

Source of Inspiration

My sources of inspiration are the patients themselves. Without this program, many patients would have gone home without stopping at a pharmacy to get their prescriptions filled.

Personal Philosophy

I strive each day to seek out ways to improve our processes to better serve our transitions-of-care patients at discharge and to be successful in both my personal and professional career.

Vision for Pharmacy

My vision for the future of pharmacy is to be able to expand our program to other serious disease states hospitalwide while working with the physicians, nurses, care managers, and pharmacists to achieve the best outcomes of our transitions-of-care patients.

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