Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Sarah Rowan, PharmD,pharmacy manager inMacon, Georgia, has beennamed the 2008 KmartPharmacist of the Year.Rowan was selected fromamong 6 Kmart DivisionalPharmacists of the Yearhonored recently at thechain's Pharmacy NationalConference.

Rowan won both the topnational award and southerndivision honors for herwork providing importanthealth care services toMacon's 97,000 residents, a third of whom live below thepoverty level. She counsels patients on a wide range of healthconcerns, from blood pressure screenings to diabetes management,and was described as "the best customer-oriented pharmacistI have ever seen . . . the epitome of a team player," byone nominator.

"Since 1991, the Kmart Pharmacist of the Year award hasrecognized Kmart pharmacists who use their knowledge andresources to improve the overall wellness of their communities,"said Howard Kramer, RPh, Kmart's director of pharmacy humanresources and government affairs. "Sarah Rowan exemplifiesthe important leadership role of today's Kmart pharmacist inconsumer health care."

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