Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

The National Association of Chain DrugStores (NACDS) Foundation recentlyawarded $256,000 in scholarship supportshared by all 102 colleges and schoolsof pharmacy. All of the schools receivedscholarships ranging from $1000 to$25,000.

In a random drawing for the largestawards, the 3 university winners were:

  • Oregon State University College ofPharmacy received the $25,000Wayne Roberts Memorial Scholarshipcontributed by Apotex Corp.The scholarship is a tribute to thelate Wayne Roberts, Apotex directorof trade and industry relations, whowas instrumental in the developmentand growth of the PharmacyPartners Scholarship Program.
  • Duquesne University Mylan School ofPharmacy received $15,000 contributedby Novo Nordisk Inc
  • University at Buffalo, The State Universityof New York School of Pharmacyand Pharmaceutical Sciencesreceived $10,000 contributed byWyeth Pharmaceuticals and ConsumerHealthcare

The scholarship funds were distributedat the Pharmacy Partners ScholarshipProgram and Reception Dinner duringthe recent NACDS Annual Meeting.

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