

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

pharmacy TECHNOLOGY products


ECR Software Corp's (Boone, NC)Catapult is a retail enterprise automationsolution that includes point-of-sale, backoffice, and interfaces for pharmacy systemsand wholesalers. The system's powerfulinventory tracking greatly reduceslabor overhead while providing greatercontrol over prescription movement andwalk-out prevention. Catapult's electronicsignature capture feature compiles andtracks all prescription signatures digitally,eliminating the vast amounts of paperreceipts required by conventional systems.The system accesses the pharmacy'scurrent database and comparesinformation between prescriptions filledand prescriptions that have been paid.Catapult also offers an optional CustomerBillboard that delivers dynamic promotionalcontent in the checkout lines whilereal-time back office reporting enablescentralized promotion management, improvinginventory turns for retail merchandiseand OTC items. For more information,visit, or call800-211-1172.

HISPAC III Electronic Prescription Counter

EPS Inc (Ivyland, Pa) recently introducedthe HISPAC III Electronic PrescriptionCounter. The product is automatedfor single, multiple, and inventorytablet or capsule counts and can be usedwith 110-or 220-volt power requirements.For single counts, medication iscounted into a top drawer and transferredto a vial. Excess medication isautomatically transferred to a lowerdrawer so it can be replaced into stock.For multiple counts, pharmacies need toremove the top drawer at the end of theinitial count. By pushing the "MULTIPLE" button, the remaining tablets will stay ontop of the counter, ready for the nextcount. For inventory counts, the HISPACIII Electronic Prescription Counter willcount up to 1000 and restart at 1 automaticallyby pressing the "INV"button. Asimple gate adjustment allows only 1tablet or capsule to pass across theinfrared light. A wiper brush continuouslycleans the rotating disc to preventcross-contamination. For more information,visit, or call800-523-8966.

iCare Home Health Monitoring

iCare Health Monitoring Inc (Golden,Colo), a subsidiary of Microlife HealthSolutions, recently launched iCare HomeHealth Monitoring. The system connectsseniors and family caregivers with healthprofessionals. The simple-to-use iCareHealth Buddy component allows seniorsto answer questions daily about theirspecific health condition. These responsesare sent to the iCare Home HealthMonitoring Center where health professionalsmonitor symptoms, vital signs,and medication use every day. Healthprofessionals can alert the senior, thefamily caregiver, and pharmacists orphysicians of trouble spots before theybecome serious health concerns thatmay require hospitalization. By using asecured Web site,,family, caregivers, pharmacists, or physicianscan quickly view health data ofpatients subscribed to the service ineasy-to-read health reports. Thesereports are specific to the subscriber andcan be printed and shared with healthcare providers. Currently, iCare HomeHealth Monitoring offers programs forindividuals with congestive heart failure,coronary artery disease, emphysema,diabetes, high blood pressure, and adultasthma. For more information, or call800-968-1378.

IVR MultiScript and IVR Central

QS/1 (Spartanburg, SC) recently expandedits interactive voice response(IVR) line to include 2 new centralizedsolutions for multilocation pharmacies.The IVR MultiScript allows a unique telephonenumber and greeting for eachstore location. The IVR Central is a solutionthat offers a single telephone numberand greeting, directing callers tospecify a desired location. Both centralizedIVR configurations free local pharmacystaff from many information technologyresponsibilities and also can bemore cost-effective than separate IVRsystems, due to the reduction in upfronthardware and ongoing hardware maintenancecosts. The company's IVR solutionshelp patients submit prescriptionrefill requests 24/7 without sacrificingthe personal touches that are so importantin the patient-pharmacist relationship.The systems allow for customizeduser prompts and automatically sendpatient refill requests to the appropriatepharmacy prescription filling queue. Formore information, visit, orcall 800-231-7776.

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