Pharmacy Eliminates Language Barrier

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Kroger pharmacies are testing a pilotprogram in Ohio and Michigan that usesvideo language interpretations. LanguageAccess Network Inc, through its Martti(My Accessible Real-Time TrustedInterpreter) system, will provide realtime,on-demand voice interpretationservices 7 days a week.

The system will allow Kroger's pharmaciesto communicate directly withthe increasing number of non-Englishspeaking patients, who need to be ableto understand how to properly usemedications and safely follow theirphysician's instructions. The Martti systemwill allow the pharmacist and thepatient to connect to live interpreterswho speak >150 languages.

"Using Martti, Kroger's pharmacistswill be able to provide drug counselingand answer questions in the customer'spreferred language with thesimple push of a button," said MichaelGuirlinger, chief executive officer ofLanguage Access Network.

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