

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Health-systems Product News

Caffeine Citrate Injectionand Oral Solution, USP

Paddock Laboratories Inc (Minneapolis,Minn) recently introduced CaffeineCitrate Injection and Oral Solution,USP 20 mg/mL. Caffeine Citrate Injectionis AP-rated to Mead Johnson's CafcitInjection, and Caffeine Citrate OralSolution is AA-rated to Mead Johnson'sCafcit Oral Solution. The products areindicated for the short-term treatment ofapnea of prematurity in infants between28 and <33 weeks gestational age.Caffeine Citrate Injection and OralSolution are available as clear, colorless,sterile, nonpyrogenic, preservative-free,aqueous solutions in 3-mL colorless glassvials. Both the injection and the oral solutionvials contain 3 mL solution at a concentrationof 20 mg/mL caffeine citrate(60 mg/vial) equivalent to 10 mg/mL caffeinebase (30 mg/vial). For more information,call 800-328-5113, or

Emergency Drug andMedical Boxes

EPS Inc (Ivyland, Pa) has expanded itsline of storage and transport items toinclude a wide assortment of EmergencyDrug and Medical Boxes. The EPSEmergency Drug Boxes are available in 2designs and 3 sizes. They expand toalmost twice their footprint in order tohold a maximum quantity of supplies in acompact area. All are equipped withdurable carrying handles and have a"rain-tight" construction. The EPSMedical Boxes are stocked in 2-, 3-, 4-,and 6-drawer models. The drawers areremovable and interchangeable for quickstocking needs. The boxes are manufacturedfrom durable polypropylene withdrawers produced from rugged ABS plastic.The products can also be sealed withEPS Tamper-Evident Safety Control Seals.For more information, call 800-523-8966,or visit


UCB Inc (Smyrna, Ga)recently received FDAapproval for Kepprainjection 500 mg/5 mL(100 mg/mL) for use asadjunctive therapy in the treatment ofpartial-onset seizures in adults withepilepsy. Keppra injection is an alternativefor patients when oral administrationis temporarily not feasible. Keppra injectionis for intravenous (IV) use only andmust be diluted prior to administration.The product (500 mg/5 mL) should bediluted in 100 mL of a compatible diluentand administered intravenously as a 15-minute IV infusion. Keppra is available asa clear, colorless, sterile solution. It issupplied in single-use, 5-mL vials and isavailable in cartons of 10 vials. For moreinformation, visit, orcall 866-822-0068.

NovoSeven CoagulationFactor VIIa (Recombinant)

Novo Nordisk (Princeton, NJ) recentlyreceived FDA approval for a new indicationfor NovoSeven Coagulation FactorVIIa (Recombinant), making it the firstand only recombinant therapy approvedfor the treatment of acquired hemophilia.The FDA approved the new indicationfor treatment of bleeding episodes inpatients with acquired hemophilia and inthe prevention of bleeding in surgicalinterventions or invasive procedures inpatients with acquired hemophilia.NovoSeven was first introduced in 1999and is currently indicated for use in treatmentof bleeding episodes in hemophiliaA or B patients with inhibitors to FactorVIII or Factor IX, and for the treatment ofbleeding episodes in patients with congenitalFactor VII deficiency. It is also indicatedfor prevention of bleeding in surgicalinterventions or invasive proceduresin hemophilia A or B patients withinhibitors to Factor VIII or Factor IX and inpatients with congenital Factor VII deficiency.NovoSeven is intended for intravenousbolus administration only. Forbleeding episodes, the recommendeddose of NovoSeven for hemophilia A or Bpatients with inhibitors is 90 &#956;g/kg givenevery 2 hours by bolus infusion untilhemostasis is achieved, or until the treatmenthas been judged to be adequate.For surgical interventions, an initial doseof 90 &#956;g per kg of body weight should begiven immediately before the interventionand repeated at 2-hour intervals forthe duration of the surgery. The recommendeddose range for treatment ofbleeding episodes or for prevention ofbleeding in surgical interventions or invasiveprocedures in congenital Factor VII-deficient patients is 15 to 30 &#956;g per kg ofbody weight every 4 to 6 hours untilhemostasis is achieved. For more information,visit, orcall 877-668-6777.

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