Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

E Fougera & Co, the generic drug divisionof ALTANA Inc, has named CureAutism Now (CAN) as the 2006 recipientof an annual major grant given throughits philanthropic program, Fougera Cares.The $10,000 award was presented at theNational Association of Chain DrugStores Pharmacy and Technology Conferencein San Diego, Calif, in August.Paul McGarty, chief executive officer(CEO) of Fougera, and David Klaum, seniorvice president of commercial businessoperations for the company, presentedthe award to Peter Bell, presidentand CEO of CAN, at Fougera's exhibitbooth at the conference.

Fougera first became aware of CANthrough Rick Kerns, a prop master for thetelevision show "ER." Kerns was workingwith Fougera on product placement andtalked about his family's personal experienceswith autism. McGarty said,"Fougera Cares provides much-neededresources to support a variety of charitableenterprises. CAN is doing landmarkwork to address one of the fastest-growinghealth epidemics in our country, andwe are honored to be able to contributeto their mission."

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